Ski Racing and Biathlon Centre is a multiple-function sports facility and a perfect place to arrange ski racing and biathlon competitions. Not only is this professional training base dedicated to the said skiing events but also to other winter and summer athletic meetings as well as to the whole year sports activities for amateurs and tourists who visit the region of Polana Jakuszycka.
Given that the railway line is located directly at Polana Jakuszycka the site may also play the role of a railway station thanks to the integration of railway platform with the building and of railway traffic offices with the main hall.
Zrealizowany przez
BIM Manager: M.A.D. Engineers sp. z o. o.
Structural Design: EJG BUŁAT Sp. z o.o. Sp. K + M.A.D. Engineers sp. z o.o.
Projekt w liczbach
Gross internal cube: 121,478.28 m3
Costs of development: net 142 mln PLN
Object of design: multiple-function building (hotel & conference), underground garage, track-and-field grounds and shooting stands